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Blain comments on leadership

As McKinsey research reveals that 75% of senior leaders could fail completely in the next two years, we catch up with  Jeremy Blain  (, author of “The Inner CEO” ( for his views.

“Even before COVID-19, organizations everywhere were facing a transformational crisis, and now there is an existential crisis for some senior leaders.  The capability gap has narrowed as our remote or distributed workforces embrace a more empowering, digitalized climate and culture.  With employees ready to work smarter, step up and contribute beyond their job description, how do we formalize a bold new age of empowerment in our organization?”

“I have asked myself the question over the past few years, as it seems we have been talking about ‘taking ownership’ or leading at all levels forever!   But it is so rarely executed well.  Why?  Because there has never been a formalised blueprint that articulates the how-to and fast-tracks action.”

“As we come out of the pandemic, we need to explore and embrace new ways of working and adapt our business models accordingly.  By unleashing leaders at all levels, in a true age of empowerment, we can start to own and move the dial across some of the most important workforce and workplace transformation items today including those affecting diversity, inclusion and Equity; digital transformation; hybrid and distributed working; blended workforces; the need for speed, drive and can-do attitude; create winning customer journeys; and attract and retention of talent.”

“As senior executive leaders navigate the future, the present is owned by more people, at all levels, everywhere, and its important that we all tap into our inner CEO.”

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